Assemblage of entities into a tableau: “desiderium”, Loveletting, Sons of an Illustrious Father, poems, Odyssey

The word “desiderium” means “desire, characterized by grief, because the desire can never be met”.

This tableau that I pulled together out of various elements is meant to represent the entities surrounding a person in their last hours. The first photograph, which tries to capture everything, is a fail, so I’ve added a number of other photographs to focus on some of the individual elements. The shell hanging in the middle is a pendulum and the small book covered in cellophane is a book of poems called “Loveletting”, in which each of five poems is an attempt at loveletting, a word based on the concept of bloodletting. A band called Sons of an Illustrious Father has a song called “Loveletting” (lyrics here:, and here is a YouTube video of the song by the actual band (sound, no visuals:, but other than that I could not find it mentioned anywhere on the big bad interwebs. I used the word and then later found the song by Sons of an Illustrious Father.

Desiderium (full on view)
Desiderium (with focus on far left entity and poetry booklet)
Desiderium (with focus on silver entity and reclining figure under light blanket)
Desiderium (with focus on far right entities)
Desiderium (with focus on shell pendulum)
Desiderium (reclining figure with wires)

One thought on “Assemblage of entities into a tableau: “desiderium”, Loveletting, Sons of an Illustrious Father, poems, Odyssey

  1. I don’t think I ever set up a password, Annie. Now I can’t get into your site.

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